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Discover the “meaning” in what you do. Then give it everything you’ve got. Do your BEST.


Posted by ADAM CARTER on DEC 23, 2022

Discover the “meaning” in what you do. Then give it everything you’ve got. Do your BEST image

Discover the “meaning” in what you do. Then give it everything you’ve got. Do your BEST.


What does “do your best” really mean? How can you do your best? Why would you not want to do your best, in anything?

I receive so many comments from people on my articles that basically comes down to saying; “so what!”, in deference to learning something new or different.

In my mind learning something new or adding to your existing knowledge base is the way to finding a deeper understanding, in anything. Why wouldn’t you want to learn something, even if it goes against your current thinking?

“Do your best” means trying as hard as you can to do something, whether its principles, technique, kata, language, culture, or how you present yourself in and outside the dojo. It should encompass everything you do.

The thought of doing your best usually comes when things get difficult or uncertain. Whether you might be a beginner, an experienced student, or instructor, doing your best will stretch your skillset to get better at what you do.

Doing your best does not mean you have to be perfect. Striving for perfection in everything you do can create a great deal of frustration in your life. You must recognize that not everyone is qualified to reach the highest skill levels in all endeavors.

It is important to do your best every time. Why? Excellent work and effort gives you an excellent result, and a lousy job will give you lousy result. I believe that doing your best at all tasks you attempt, regardless of how menial they might be, can pay high dividends in your martial arts, and throughout your life.

Ongoing improvement requires both the desire and the discipline. If you are already among the best, or even really good, why would you even want to get better?

Nobody gets better “accidentally.” You don’t accidentally improve significantly, or make the greatest positive impact without intentionality.

How much do you want to get better? Teachers can teach you, coaches can coach you, but it is what YOU do with the information that matters. Your willingness to work at improving yourself is the secret to realizing your full potential.

You supply the commitment to getting better. Not only will it benefit you, but it will also benefit your students and the people around you.

If you choose to do your best, you (and your students) get all the benefits. If you choose a mediocre effort, if you only give 50% of your efforts, chances are you and your students won’t reach your goals anytime soon, and your understanding will remain superficial at best.

Doing your best at all you attempt just makes good common sense. The results are always going to be better than doing things half-heatedly. Your efforts will bring you pride and satisfaction and perhaps place your pride in practicing and training on display, which may be recognized by those who appreciate practitioners who go the extra mile.

Discover the “meaning” in what you do. Then give it everything you’ve got. Don’t settle for “so what!”.

 Photo Credit: Image by Freepik


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