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"In the face of an obstacle which is impossible to overcome, stubbornness is stupid."


Posted by ADAM CARTER on JUN 26, 2023

In the face of an obstacle which is impossible to overcome, stubbornness is stupid. image

"In the face of an obstacle which is impossible to overcome, stubbornness is stupid." - Simone de Beauvoir


We often encounter practitioners who cling unwaveringly to their beliefs, resisting any attempt to persuade or alter their opinions.

How many times have you heard karate doesn’t work; that wouldn’t work in the ‘street’; kata is just a dance?

While it may be tempting to engage in debates or discussions with the hope of changing minds, it is important to recognize the inherent difficulty in accomplishing such a feat….. especially on Social Media.

Our beliefs are influenced by a myriad of factors, including personal experiences, cultural background, the veneration of an instructor or master, and social conditioning. Practitioners have a natural inclination to defend their existing beliefs, seeking validation and maintaining a sense of consistency.

Cognitive bias further compounds the difficulty of changing stubborn minds. It leads practitioners to seek out information that aligns with their existing beliefs, while disregarding or discounting evidence to the contrary. This reinforces their preconceived notions and shields them from alternative perspectives, even when presented with compelling counterarguments.

When someone's beliefs are challenged, it can be perceived as a personal attack, triggering an emotional response, such as defensiveness, insulting comments, anger, or frustration. Such emotional reactions create barriers to alternative viewpoints.

Practitioners may fear that changing their minds would undermine their credibility or reputation. Admitting a shift in beliefs could be seen as a sign of weakness or inconsistency, their grade suddenly doesn’t mean as much as they thought, leading stubborn individuals to cling even more firmly to their established positions. The fear of social repercussions acts as a formidable obstacle to changing their minds.

And nothing is more difficult than trying to change someones mind in the martial arts.

Martial artists often develop strong convictions and deep-rooted beliefs about their training, techniques, and philosophies. They have invested a significant amount of time and effort into their journey, which creates a sense of loyalty and attachment to their chosen discipline or teacher.

This commitment can make them resistant to change or open to alternative perspectives.

It can become an integral part of a person's identity, and often represents a source of pride and accomplishment. Changing their beliefs may be perceived as a threat to their self-image or expertise. Their ego may resist accepting alternative viewpoints or admitting that they have been practicing incorrectly.

Many styles have a long history and are deeply rooted in tradition and lineage. Martial artists often have a great respect for their instructors and the lineage they belong to. This reverence for tradition can create a sense of loyalty and make it difficult for them to question or deviate from the teachings they have received.

There can be a tendency to seek out information that confirms their existing beliefs and dismiss or ignore contradictory evidence. This can make it challenging to introduce new ideas or evidence that contradict their current understanding.

It is vitally important to remain open minded. But you have to be honest with yourself and realize you may not be.

Being open-minded is crucial for growth and development. It means embracing new ideas, techniques, and perspectives without judgment or preconceived notions.

An open-minded practitioner understands that there is always something to learn, even from those with high grades, from different styles or backgrounds.

Be willing to explore unfamiliar techniques and approaches, recognize that diversity fosters innovation and expands your skill set. By maintaining an open mind, you can break free from limitations, adapt to different situations, and continuously evolve both physically and mentally.

Understand that the true essence of the martial arts lies in the willingness to learn from others and embrace its ever-changing nature.

An open mind is a key that unlocks the door of knowledge and understanding….. so embrace the unfamiliar and explore new perspectives.

 Photo Credit: Freepik


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