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The one secret all karate masters have in common. They never stop learning.


Posted by ADAM CARTER on JUN 07, 2023

The one secret all karate masters have in common. image

The one secret all karate masters have in common. They never stop learning.


Every thing I do contains the teaching and experience of all the Sensei I have encountered over the years. Every insight of mine, is a summary of their insights, their understanding, their wisdom. That's why they accompany me with every step, and for that I am deeply grateful.

Throughout our lives, we encounter numerous mentors who shape and guide us on our personal journey. These mentors play a vital role in imparting knowledge, discipline, and wisdom.

As we navigate through life's challenges, every action we undertake carries with it the teachings and experiences of our mentors, our teachers….. our Sensei.

The person or persons, we call our Sensei, represent a source of inspiration, guidance, and expertise in various areas of our lives. They bring a unique perspective and impart valuable lessons. Their teachings extend beyond the specific domain in which they excel, encompassing broader aspects of life, such as discipline, perseverance, determination, and respect.

As we progress on our own personal journey, we absorb a wealth of knowledge from them. Each interaction, training session, or discussion, becomes an opportunity to learn and grow. Their expertise, refined over years of experience, becomes intertwined with our own understanding, leading to a deeper knowledge of the subject matter.

To truly embody their teachings, we must reflect upon their lessons and integrate them into our own.

As we grow and evolve under their guidance, we also become mentors to others. The valuable lessons we absorb find new life as we pass them on to the next generation. Just as our Sensei's teachings have shaped us, we have the power to shape the lives of those who look up to us. By becoming a teacher ourselves, we perpetuate a cycle of wisdom and experience, hopefully creating a positive ripple effect in the lives of others.

Every action we undertake includes the teachings and experiences of our Sensei. Their influence extends far beyond the specific disciplines they impart, permeating into our character and guiding us through life's journey.

From the first teacher we encounter to the latest, each contributes a unique piece to the puzzle of our education. Their teachings become the foundation upon which we build our understanding, and their expertise becomes the bedrock of our own proficiency.

We owe our accomplishments not only to our own efforts, but also to the guidance and inspiration we have received from them. As we continue to grow and learn, let us appreciate the impact they have had on our lives and strive to embody their teachings in everything we do.

あなたのおかげで、たくさんのことを学びました。(Anata no okage de takusan no koto o manabimashita.) - I have learned so much thanks to you.


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