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"“The meaning of the directions in kata is not well understood, and frequently mistakes are made in the interpretation of kata movements." - Mabuni Kenwa (1889-1952)


Posted by ADAM CARTER on MAR 13, 2023

I can see my strengths and weaknesses, and i’m not afraid to face my weaknesses. image

"I can see my strengths and weaknesses, and i’m not afraid to face my weaknesses. I want to get my weaknesses right.” – Kimura Shigeru (1941-1995)


Growth in the martial arts comes through repetitive daily practice and studying at every opportunity. Today, society finds repetition boring and stifling. The self-discipline of repetition is at the heart of the martial arts. Through repetition, you can quiet the inner dialogue between the ego and the over-thinking mind.

Everything is a test….. and sometimes we’re tested not to show our weaknesses, but to discover our strengths.

Life is full of challenges, and sometimes these challenges may seem overwhelming. However, it is important to remember that these tests are not meant to break us down or reveal our weaknesses, but to help us discover our strengths. Often, we find that the greatest moments of personal growth occur when we are faced with difficult situations that challenge us to dig deep within ourselves and find the strength to overcome them.

One of the main reasons that we are tested is to help us discover our own capabilities. We all have hidden strengths and abilities that we may not even be aware of until we are pushed to our limits. When we are faced with adversity, we are forced to tap into these reserves of strength and discover what we are truly capable of achieving. It is in these moments of struggle that we discover our own resilience and perseverance, and we gain confidence in our own abilities.

Another reason we are tested is to help us build character. Facing challenges can help us develop important qualities such as courage, determination, and adaptability. When we are tested, we learn to face our fears head-on and take on challenges with a positive attitude. We also learn to adapt to new situations and find creative solutions to problems. These qualities not only help us overcome challenges in the short-term but also make us stronger and more resilient in the long run.

Additionally, tests can help us find our true purpose in life. When we face challenges, we are forced to take a step back and evaluate our priorities and values. We may discover that what we thought was important before no longer holds the same significance, and we may be driven to pursue a new path that is more in line with our passions and goals.

In this way, tests can help us gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and our place in the world.

Of course, it is important to note that not all tests are created equal. Some challenges may seem insurmountable, and it may be difficult to see any positive outcome from the situation. In these cases, it is important to remember that it is okay to ask for help. Seeking the support of friends, family, or your instructor can help you navigate through difficult times and emerge stronger on the other side.

In conclusion, it is often said that we are tested not to show our weaknesses, but to discover our strengths. The challenges we face in life can be difficult and daunting, but they also present opportunities for growth and self-discovery. By tapping into our inner strength, building our character, and finding our purpose, we can emerge from even the most challenging situations stronger and more resilient than ever before.

As you get older, you start to realize: 'I know who I am, and I know who I'm not. I know my shortcomings, my weaknesses, and I know my strengths; maybe some of my shortcomings are my strengths.' You start to face yourself as you truly are.

“You have power over your mind - not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength.” - Marcus Aurelius

“I can see my strengths and weaknesses, and i'm not afraid to face my weaknesses. I want to get my weaknesses right.” - Kimura Shigeru (1941-1995)


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