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“Since karate is a martial art, you must practice with the utmost seriousness from the very beginning.”


Posted by ADAM CARTER on SEP 6, 2023

Since karate is a martial art, you must practice with the utmost seriousness from the very beginning image

“Since karate is a martial art, you must practice with the utmost seriousness from the very beginning"


Martial arts, a term that conjures images of disciplined warriors in pursuit of physical prowess and spiritual enlightenment, has deep-rooted significance beyond the realm of physical combat.

To be a martial artist is to embrace a way of life that extends far beyond the practice of techniques and forms. It encompasses a unique set of values, principles, and philosophies that guide one's journey towards self-improvement, self-discipline, and personal growth.

A martial artist dedicates themselves to the art of self-defense and, by extension, the protection of others. It is a journey of constant improvement, a lifelong commitment to refine one's physical capabilities.

One of the most profound aspects of being a martial artist is the cultivation of self-discipline and self-control. The rigors of training demand unwavering commitment, and dedication. This discipline extends beyond the training hall and into everyday life, fostering a sense of responsibility, reliability, and self-mastery.

Central to this philosophy is the concept of respect, both for oneself and others. Martial artists are taught to respect their instructors, training partners, and opponents. This respect is not mere formality but a reflection of the acknowledgment that every individual has their own unique journey and challenges.

The mental aspect of martial arts is often underestimated. Beyond the physical techniques, martial artists should develop mental fortitude, learning to face fear, uncertainty, and adversity head-on.

This mental resilience should extend to daily life, helping others navigate the challenges they encounter beyond the training mat. Many martial arts philosophies emphasize the development of inner peace, harmony, and balance.

Early karate was deeply rooted in Okinawan culture, with a strong influence from Chinese martial arts. It was often taught in a secretive and exclusive manner, with knowledge passed down within tight-knit communities or family lineages. Access to training was limited, and instructors closely guarded their techniques.

Kata held great importance, as they preserved and transmitted combat techniques and principles.

Practicality and efficiency were key considerations in kata and kumite.

Many martial artists today engage in karate primarily as a sport, participating in competitions with rules and differing scoring systems.

While the cultural and philosophical aspects of early karate still hold significance, they may not be as prominently emphasized in modern practice, especially in sport-oriented dojos. However, many practitioners still strive to embody values like respect, self-discipline, and integrity.

Being a martial artist is more than just learning how to fight; it is a holistic way of life that encompasses physical prowess, mental fortitude, self-discipline, and spiritual growth. It is a lifelong journey of self-improvement, characterized by respect, humility, and a commitment to constant growth.

To be a martial artist is to embrace a path that leads not only to physical mastery but also to a deeper understanding of oneself and the world around us.

In a world often filled with chaos and conflict, the values and principles of martial arts should serve as a guiding light, offering practitioners a path to become not only skilled warriors but also better human beings.

The key word in the definition of a martial artist is ‘MARTIAL’. Martial comes from the word ‘Mars’ (the Roman God of War) and means warrior-like or related to war.

For me, a martial artist is an individual who has attained a reasonable degree of skill and understanding in a martial art based in reality (not sport), and devoted themselves to a lifetime of continued, committed training, study, and contemplation.

What is your definition of a martial artist?

“Since karate is a martial art, you must practice with the utmost seriousness from the very beginning.” - Gichin Funakoshi - Karate-dō Nyūmon: The Master Introductory Text


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