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As your child practices Karate, they’re not just mastering kicks and punches. They’re also building confidence and inner strength.


Posted by ADAM CARTER on APR 01, 2024

As your child practices Karate, they’re not just mastering kicks and punches. They’re also building confidence and inner strength. image

As your child practices Karate, they’re not just mastering kicks and punches. They’re also building confidence and inner strength.


(1 minute 45 second read)

Let’s talk about something crucial – if you teach the martial arts, it’s not just about teaching your students how to fight. Fighting isn’t always the answer. Especially if you’re dealing with kids.

Teaching your students how to avoid trouble is extremely important, this is the first line of defense after all. Learning to walk away, or to stay away from known hazardous areas is just as important a skill as any martial arts technique.

Sometimes well-chosen words can calm things down, while other times, silence can be equally effective.

Those of you that run a dojo, do you find that some of the parents drop off their kids at your martial arts class, just hoping for a breather?

Truth be told, not all these kids are pumped about learning martial arts. Sure, you might find a couple who are totally into it, but for many, maybe it’s just not their thing.

If you do have your own dojo, you might wonder – should you send uninterested kids home? Or do you try to teach them anyway?

In my opinion learning shouldn’t feel like a chore for them. Every kid’s different, and some might take time to warm up to the martial arts.

Forcing a kid to do martial arts, that’s probably not going to end well. But a good instructor can help to turn things around.

When it comes to self-protection, especially for kids, it’s all about staying safe. Sure, teaching karate techniques is the thing we do, but the focus should be on avoiding dangerous situations in the first place.

Many children can be quite shy and introverted, so it’s important to practice and encourage children to say a firm “NO”, if someone tries to take them somewhere they shouldn’t be. And make sure they know who to turn to if they’re lost or scared – like a teacher or a parent, also having a secret “password” from their parents can be a life saver.

With younger students introducing topics like basic stranger danger techniques like; “Stop, Drop, and Yell.”, while teaching “safety skills” as well as karate techniques can be really enjoyable for them.

It’s kind of sad that a lot of dojo these days forget about these practical skills. But trust me, they’re just as important as any technique. If it means keeping even one kid out of difficulty, it’s worth going the extra mile, don’t you think?

So, remember – martial arts isn’t just about fighting. It’s about teaching kids (and adults too) how to handle themselves in all kinds of different situations, and that’s a lesson that goes way beyond the dojo.

Kicking the pads….. great fun too.


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