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The best fight is the one you avoid. So don’t start a fight you can’t finish, but if you do, finish it.


Posted by ADAM CARTER on APR 19, 2024

The best fight is the one you avoid. So don’t start a fight you can’t finish, but if you do, finish it. image

The best fight is the one you avoid. So don’t start a fight you can’t finish, but if you do, finish it.


(1 minute 30 second read)

If you’re like most people, you probably hope you’ll never face a self-defense situation. But being prepared is key.

Self-defense is a critical skill, but it’s important to understand it’s not about winning a fight. It’s about neutralizing a threat and escaping safely.

Those that keep reminding me that MMA is the ultimate self-defense system, it’s important to remember that MMA is a sport – a competitive environment with rules and referees. Real-world self-defense scenarios are unpredictable, often involving multiple attackers, weapons or surprise attacks.

Self-defense is a measured response to an immediate threat. It’s about stopping the attacker and escaping the situation unharmed. The use of force is justified only as long as the threat persists. Once the threat is gone, any further action becomes retaliation, not self-defense.

Effective self-defense training goes beyond physical techniques. It emphasizes “your early options”, which are just as crucial as physical responses.

MMA fighters possess impressive combat skills, their training prioritizes defeating an opponent, not necessarily de-escalating or escaping a dangerous situation.

Remember, self-defense is about stopping the threat, not winning a fight. If surrendering valuables like money or jewelry prevents further harm, do so. Your safety and that of others, comes first.

Learning self-defense is a responsible choice. It empowers you to protect yourself effectively, not just “fight back” blindly.

Always remember, the objective of self-defense is simply to halt the threat. Once the threat dissipates, there’s no need for further confrontation. It’s crucial to identify the aggressor clearly and assess whether the situation warrants physical defense or can be resolved through other means.

There’s no denying the impressive athleticism and combat prowess of MMA fighters. The sport demands a mastery of various disciplines, incorporating techniques like boxing, wrestling, and Jiu-Jitsu, making practitioners incredibly well-rounded combatants.

Witnessing the technical brilliance and strategic maneuvering in the octagon can be truly awe-inspiring.

However, the competitive nature of the sport can blur the lines between its use for self-defense and pure combat.

Properly preparing yourself for self-defense goes beyond just learning to fight. It involves adopting a comprehensive and responsible approach to your own safety, and the safety of others.


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