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The Dojo. Where we inherit the wisdom of those who came before, and in turn, prepare to pass it on to those who follow.


Posted by ADAM CARTER on APR 28, 2024

The Dojo. Where we inherit the wisdom of those who came before, and in turn, prepare to pass it on to those who follow. image

The Dojo. Where we inherit the wisdom of those who came before, and in turn, prepare to pass it on to those who follow.


(2 minute read)

The door to the dojo swings open with its familiar creak, and a wave of calm washes over you, a place when outside problems just fade away.

Do you still feel that rush of excitement when you step inside?

The answer, for most practitioners I would hope, is a resounding yes. The initial spark of excitement that ignites a martial arts journey may evolve over time, but it rarely extinguishes entirely.

For beginners, that first step into the dojo can be exhilarating and intimidating. It’s a new world, filled with strange terminology, unfamiliar movements, and the humbling realization that there’s so much to learn.

Yet, within this initial nervousness lies an undeniable thrill – the thrill of embarking on a new path, of pushing your physical and mental limits.

As you progress, the excitement changes. It becomes the anticipation of mastering a new technique, the satisfaction of pushing through a grueling workout, or the camaraderie shared with fellow students during drills.

The dojo becomes a testing ground, where weaknesses are exposed and strengths are forged. Each challenge overcome, each grade earned, reignites the fire within, a testament to your dedication.

The excitement also stems from the unique atmosphere of the dojo. It’s a place without judgment, where everyone is there to learn and improve. The respect for instructors and fellow students fosters a sense of family, and a feeling of belonging to something larger than yourself. The shared pursuit of trying to achieve some kind of proficiency creates a bond that transcends age, background, and skill level.

Of course, with experience comes the inevitable moments of frustration, plateaus in progress, or even the occasional injury, and this can dampen the initial excitement.

However, the true mark of a dedicated practitioner is the ability to find new sources of motivation. It becomes a place of refuge, a space to clear your head and find focus.

The focused movements that you practice become a form of meditation, a way to escape the stresses of daily life.

Years may pass, but the excitement that welcomes you as you enter the dojo never fades. It transforms into a quiet place, where you appreciate the journey, and the assurance that the dojo will always be there – a constant source of learning something new and discovering more about yourself.

The next time you step through the doors, take a moment to breathe in the familiar atmosphere, listen to the sounds of practice, and feel the energy of the space within.

So, do I still get that excitement when I walk into my dojo? Absolutely. Because with each step, I am not just entering a training space; I am stepping into my sanctuary, where nothing else exists.

The excitement may have matured, but it undeniably simmers beneath the surface. The mats may show signs of wear, but the heart of the dojo, and the fire within, will always burn bright.

 Photo Credit: Katsuya Miyahira and Ryou Tokuyama of Shukokan dojo


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