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The Keiko-Gi Badge: A Symbol Worn With Pride.


Posted by ADAM CARTER on AUG 18, 2024

The Keiko-Gi Badge: A Symbol Worn With Pride. image

The Keiko-Gi Badge: A Symbol Worn With Pride.

(Approx 1 minute 30 second read)

Wearing your dojo or association badge on your keiko-gi, is a significant tradition in the world of karate, or the martial arts in general. Echoing early medieval and martial arts schools where practitioners displayed or wore patches or symbols identifying their lineage, their clan.

Today, this seemingly simple act carries profound meaning, serving as a powerful symbol that is more than mere decoration.

Many of these logo’s contain a family crest, a personal symbol, or perhaps kanji that reflects a person or past masters name, which embody several core values and principles of the martial art you practice and your dojo spirit.

Personally I have always taken pride in wearing the badge, always trying to ensure it was placed in the correct position on my keiko-gi.

It signifies a student’s commitment to their martial arts school and teacher. A declaration of allegiance and dedication to their chosen path, perhaps echoing the historical practice of a samurai or warrior showing their lord’s crest as a symbol of loyalty and willingness to fight for their cause.

Having personally designed several badges for instructors and associations, I’ve come to appreciate the weight of this symbol. The chosen design elements carefully consider the values and history of a dojo or association, ensuring the badge becomes a meaningful representation for students to wear with pride.

Beyond loyalty and respect, the badge constantly reminds students of the importance of representing their dojo, association or style, with integrity and honesty. It’s a visual reminder that the values instilled within the dojo should translate into everyday life. It’s a constant nudge to embody these values not just on the dojo floor, but in all aspects of life.

In short, wearing a badge on your keiko-gi, along with other dojo traditions, are elements that root students in a culture rich in deep values. They strengthen commitment, respect, and humility, which are at the heart of the traditional martial arts.

The simple keiko-gi badge, a tradition with roots stretching back to ancient warrior societies, continues to serve as a powerful symbol, reminding students of their commitment, responsibility, and place within your martial arts lineage.

Wear yours with pride.


 Photo Credit: Proudly wearing the TOGKF Keiko-Gi badge at the Honbu dojo with Higaonna sensei courtesy of higaonnadojotogkf


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