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"The true warrior is not one who seeks to conquer others, but one who seeks to conquer himself."


Posted by ADAM CARTER on FEB 24, 2024

The true warrior is not one who seeks to conquer others, but one who seeks to conquer himself. image

"The true warrior is not one who seeks to conquer others, but one who seeks to conquer himself."


(1 minute 45 second read)

“Put your everyday living into Karate and you will find “Myo” (subtle secrets).”

The word “Myo” (妙) can have various meanings in Japanese, including “subtle,” “mysterious,” or “esoteric.” This leads to the term “Myojutsu” potentially referring to a deeper understanding or hidden secrets within a martial art.

One specific example is the book “Neko no Myojutsu” (The Subtle Art of the Cat) by Issai Chozan (1659-1741), an eighteenth-century swordsman and intellectual, which explores the philosophical aspects of swordsmanship through the metaphor of a cat’s movements.

Issai Chozan not only discusses techniques but also relates them to everyday life. Chozan often draws parallels between the behavior and movements of cats and the principles that can be applied to various aspects of life beyond combat.

He emphasizes the importance of adaptability, patience, awareness, and other qualities exemplified by cats, suggesting that these principles can be beneficial in navigating the challenges of everyday life.

Imagine karate as a key, not just for self-defense, sport, or simply a fun Tuesday evening, but for unlocking hidden wisdom inside your everyday life.

That’s the idea behind the saying: “Put your everyday living into karate and you’ll find ‘Myo’ (subtle secrets).”

Now, this isn’t some magical shortcut. It’s about taking the lessons you learn in karate – focus, discipline, perseverance, respect – and using them for everything you do.

Think about it: when you’re calm and focused, wouldn’t you be able to handle a tough situation better? Wouldn’t facing life’s challenges with discipline and perseverance make you stronger?

That’s the “Myo” – the hidden power that comes from applying karate principles beyond the dojo.

It’s about becoming more aware of your thoughts, feelings, and actions. It’s about building the strength to overcome challenges with grace and the wisdom to navigate life’s complexities with a clear mind.

It takes effort of course, like anything worthwhile. You have to be willing to learn, to reflect, and to keep trying even when things get tough.

The “Myo” isn’t just about handling tough situations. It’s about discovering a deeper understanding of yourself and the world around you.

That’s the true power of everyday karate, the key to unlocking the “Myo” within.

So the next time you practice or head off to the dojo, remember, it’s not just about punches and kicks. It’s about taking that focus, that self-discipline, that respect, and using it to unlock the “Myo” within. It’s about discovering the hidden power within yourself and using it to make every day a little bit brighter, a little bit more fulfilling.

That’s the hidden secret waiting to be discovered.

“The true warrior is not one who seeks to conquer others, but one who seeks to conquer himself.” – “Neko no Myojutsu” (The Subtle Art of the Cat – 1727) by Issai Chozan


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