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The Importance of Clear Goals and Clear Context in Your Karate Training.


Posted by ADAM CARTER on JUL 22, 2024

The Importance of Clear Goals and Clear Context in Your Karate Training. image

The Importance of Clear Goals and Clear Context in Your Karate Training.

Many people who join karate classes tell us their purpose for wanting to try the martial arts is to learn how to defend themselves. This is where problems can begin, because there are some instructors who think their training method can prepare anyone to protect themselves in a live situation.

It’s okay to want to practice karate as exercise, art, or sport. Problems arise when practitioners have a different goal and are misled into believing that their training will deliver on that goal.

I am of the view that people need to be clear on their goals and then practice with a view to achieving those goals. As instructors, it is our responsibility to understand what each student wants when they join the dojo. Some students might seek physical fitness, others may be more interested in competition and sport. However, for those whose primary objective is self-defense, a different approach is necessary. Modern karate, with its block/punch methodology, is not the best approach, context is everything.

Self-defense requires a realistic and practical training method. This means incorporating scenario-based drills, stress inoculation training, understanding the psychological aspects of confrontation, verbal de-escalation, and so much more. These aspects are not usually covered in a traditional karate class.

Honesty with students about what their training can and cannot provide is crucial. It’s unfair and potentially dangerous to let someone believe they are prepared for a violent encounter if their training has not equipped them for such situations. You only have to read the examples I have given in recent articles to understand this.

As an instructor, I understand that you need numbers in your classes, but being honest about what it is you are teaching is the right thing to do. By aligning training methods with the specific goals of each student, we can ensure that the practice of karate remains effective, relevant, and true to its purpose.


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