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Is Modern Karate Right for You? The Critical Difference. Be Prepared, Stay Safe.


Posted by ADAM CARTER on JUN 22, 2024

Is Modern Karate Right for You? The Critical Difference. Be Prepared, Stay Safe. image

Is Modern Karate Right for You? The Critical Difference. Be Prepared, Stay Safe.

(Approx 1 minute 56 second read)

When you’re looking for a martial arts school or dojo, it’s crucial to understand the differences and ensure you choose the right one.

There’s a critical distinction between self-defense, sport karate, and other forms of martial arts. Choosing the right training is vital.

Many instructors teaching karate today haven’t delved into the realities of criminal violence. Most training is conducted with the knowledge of how a person is going to confront you, and which type of ‘attack’ will be used. This is very different from criminal violence, which is unpredictable, often involves multiple attackers, weapons, and a focus on causing harm.

These instructors teach skills suited for a dojo environment (standing toe-to-toe), not the chaos of a real attack, and many of them have never experienced any form of real-world violence themselves.

On the flip side, there are those who have experienced violence. Such as individuals who have worked in the security industry, the military, or the police. Their instruction emphasizes the importance of understanding these key differences.

Unfortunately, some students unknowingly enroll in classes disguised as self-defense when they’re actually teaching sport karate, competition fighting, or modern non-combative karate.

I remember a while back being approached by a lady who asked if I could put together a self-defense class for her and a group of her female friends. However, she wanted to ensure there were no men in the class, whether teaching or practicing.

I understand the ethnic reasons for this, but most attacks against females are carried out by men, so any training needs to reflect this reality. Safety is a serious concern, so instructors should not prioritize their “ego” over their students’ needs.

If your goal is self-defense, then choosing instructors who specialize in that area is imperative. While some skills from modern karate can be helpful, true self-defense focuses on much wider subjects, including de-escalation, situational awareness, avoiding conflict whenever possible, and much more.

Many beginners, and the general population, don’t realize that karate encompasses diverse practices. It’s crucial to research schools and instructors to ensure their curriculum aligns with your goals. This lack of awareness and education on the students’ part can leave them vulnerable when their training is needed.

Therefore, the onus falls on instructors to be well-versed in these distinctions. Instructors who focus solely on fighting skills can often instill a confrontational approach to training, neglecting crucial self-protection strategies. They fail to adapt their teaching for non-consensual violent situations. Physical techniques are just one piece of the puzzle.

Students can be excused for their lack of knowledge, but instructors cannot. It is the responsibility of instructors to research self-defense principles to ensure their students receive the right training. By understanding the differences and seeking qualified instruction, students can equip themselves with the skills necessary to stay safe in an unpredictable world.

 Photo Credit: Freepik


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