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Finding Calm amidst the Chaos.


Posted by ADAM CARTER on MAR 18, 2024

Finding Calm amidst the Chaos. image

Finding Calm amidst the Chaos.


(1 minute 30 second read)

Finding Calm amidst the Chaos.

In today’s frenetic world, anxiety seems to be a constant companion. With so many people these days leading hectic, over-stimulated, and sleep-deprived lives, it’s no wonder that worry and anxiety are at an all time high.

Our brains are hard wired to be on the lookout for threats and reasons to worry, whether they are real or imagined.

What this means is that even if we are totally safe and secure, because our brains are on the lookout for potential threats or problems, it can still be difficult to let go of a sense of something’s not quite right.

There’s little doubt that if you are laying awake at night worrying about things that you can’t change or deal with right now, or you are anxious around finances, relationships, work, or anything at all, then heading to the dojo may be one way that can help.

At its core, martial arts training is a practice in mindful movement, each discipline demands a present and focused mind.

Through repetition and practice, you can learn to quiet the mental chatter and direct your attention to the task at hand. This focus can translate beautifully to everyday life, allowing you to step away from the whirlwind of anxious thoughts and anchor yourself in the present moment.

Talk to any seasoned martial artist, and you’ll discover that their training has toughened him/her up, both physically and mentally. This is because, like in life, training also comes with obstacles and challenges – which all helps in choosing how to handle them.

The physical exercise alone is a well-known stress reliever, so getting along to the dojo, could be just what you need to turn things around. Of course it’s not a magic bullet, everything takes time, but building a habit of your training can have remarkable results.

So, if you’re looking for a way to find calm amidst the chaos, consider stepping onto the mat and embarking on a journey of self-discovery, both physical and mental. You might be surprised at the peace you find within yourself.

The Dojo….. a brief vacation from your problems.


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