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From Complacency to Overconfidence: The Many Different Views of Traditional Karate.


Posted by ADAM CARTER on MAY 15, 2024

From Complacency to Overconfidence: The Many Different Views of Traditional Karate. image

From Complacency to Overconfidence: The Many Different Views of Traditional Karate.


(Approx 1 minute 35 second read)

It’s interesting that in my articles about self-protection or self-defense, several comments seem to indicate that many people just don’t prioritize self-defense.

Some commenters suggest that because they live in areas with little violence, they feel they don’t need the protection offered by realistic self-protection training.

Additionally, I've received comments stating that they are learning karate that 'will' protect them in the 'street'.

Another stated that all karate in 2024 is practicing ‘Karate-Do’ and has little relevance to real-world protection, more to do with personal development. While another said “just get a gun”.

Self-protection and self-defense are topics that often spark varied opinions and perspectives. It's intriguing to observe the different attitudes towards the necessity of such skills.

Some believe that the need for self-protection is minimal, and thus, investing time and effort in learning practical self-defense techniques seems unnecessary.

However, this perspective overlooks the unpredictable nature of life. While it may be true that certain areas experience lower rates of violence, the reality is that threats can emerge unexpectedly, from anywhere.

Being equipped with the knowledge and skills to defend yourself is not just about reacting to existing dangers, but also about being prepared for any potential threats that may arise, and that’s not being paranoid. It's about adopting a proactive approach to personal safety rather than relying solely on external factors.

On the other end of the scale, there are those who adamantly believe in the efficacy of their chosen style as a means of self-defense. These individuals express confidence that the techniques they are learning will protect them in any situation, including real-life confrontations. Even if, to the onlooker, it won’t.

What's particularly intriguing about these comments is that many of them come from practitioners of the SAME STYLE.

This variety of opinions underscores the complexity of self-protection, self-defense, and karate itself. It reflects the diverse needs, experiences, and beliefs of individuals when it comes to safeguarding themselves in an uncertain world. While some may dismiss the need for self-defense based on their environment, others place great confidence in their chosen style.

However, regardless of your perspective, and the variety of opinions, it only adds depth to the ongoing conversation about what karate actually is.


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