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"None are so old as those who have outlived enthusiasm."


Posted by ADAM CARTER on AUG 19, 2023

None are so old as those who have outlived enthusiasm. image

"None are so old as those who have outlived enthusiasm." - Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862)


As you get older I’m sure I’m not alone in thinking about your own mortality. Recently I certainly have. The things I was capable of doing when I was younger seem so far away now. And living in a violent society made me wonder how much aging changes all of the body's cells, tissues, and organs, and these changes affect the functioning of all the body systems. How would we really cope with a violent situation?

If someone finds themselves in a situation where self-defense is necessary, it may be important to focus on experience and strategy rather than brute strength, regardless of age.

When it comes to physical capabilities, whether its competition, sparring in the dojo, or real-world self-defense, younger individuals generally have certain advantages over older individuals. (Yes I’m old….. but there is life in the old dog yet)

In general (of course not everyone), younger individuals tend to have greater muscle mass and strength due to factors like hormonal levels and regular physical activity. This can give them an advantage in physical confrontations.

They often have quicker reflexes, greater agility, and faster reaction times, which can be advantageous in any situation, whether trying to escape in a self-defense scenario or whether in a fight.

Younger individuals typically have higher endurance levels too, allowing them to sustain physical exertion for longer periods. This can be beneficial in fights that require prolonged effort, or whether you are having to utilize the new running shoes you bought.

It is important to remember however, that fighting ability is not solely determined by physical attributes. Skill, technique, and experience also play significant roles.

While older individuals may experience a decline in certain physical attributes (oh I’ve noticed this one), they can compensate for it with knowledge, strategy, and experience gained over the years.

The outcome of any fight or self-defense situation, depends on numerous factors, including the individuals involved, their respective physical condition, training, mindset, and the specific circumstances surrounding the scenario.

A persons mental and emotional state can have a significant impact on performance too. Factors such as confidence, focus, composure under pressure, and the ability to control emotions can all influence the outcome.

The level of motivation and determination of a practitioner can impact performance too. A highly motivated person with a strong drive to survive, may exhibit greater resilience and tenacity, potentially affecting any outcome of an altercation.

Sport and competition aside, the best self-defense is preventing dangerous situations altogether. It's important to note that the objective of self-defense is to protect yourself and escape harm, not to necessarily "win" a fight.

Aging is a complex process that varies as to how it affects different people. Age does not give wisdom and knowledge by default. What it gives is plenty of time to acquire those two. But even though the younger opponent has you beat in some areas, there’s always experience and sneakiness which can make up in large part for youth and strength…… And I plan on not going quietly into the night.

“None are so old as those who have outlived enthusiasm.” - Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862)


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