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“Shu Ha Ri". Embrace, Transcend, Innovate.


Posted by ADAM CARTER on MAY 31, 2023

Shu Ha Ri. Embrace, Transcend, Innovate. image

“Shu Ha Ri". Embrace, Transcend, Innovate.


Forging a personal path.

Ultimately karate-ka who put in the training hours with the right teachers and mentors, often end up ‘doing their own thing’.

Sometimes you will hear people say; “but it’s just made up”. Well yes, of course it is. Isn’t everything in the beginning? Everyone will be influenced by somebody or something. We learn from our experiences after-all. But it’s not made-up in the sense that it isn’t real.

Martial arts, with their rich histories and diverse forms, have captivated and inspired individuals for centuries, and can offer a transformative journey of self-discovery, discipline, and physical prowess.

While many practitioners find satisfaction in following established styles, instructors, traditions and lineage, there are those daring individuals who embark on the extraordinary endeavor of creating their own personal pathway.

Creating something personal, begins with inspiration. Martial artists, driven by a deep passion and desire for self-expression, seek to push the boundaries of their chosen discipline.

They may find inspiration from their own experiences, cultural heritage, or even through a combination of various martial arts. They envision a unique system that reflects their own values, strengths, and goals, often offering a fresh perspective.

This can involve studying different disciplines, techniques, philosophies, and training methodologies.

By analyzing and synthesizing the strengths and weaknesses of existing practices, practitioners can form a solid foundation upon which their own pathway can be built. This process requires an open mind, adaptability, and a deep understanding of martial arts principles.

Innovation is the heart of creating. It involves experimenting with principles and techniques. Developing movements, and integrating different elements to suit your own vision.

This process demands creativity, intuition, and an unwavering commitment to refining and perfecting principles and techniques, constantly adapting and evolving based on practicality and effectiveness.

Every martial art carries its own set of principles and philosophy, and following your own pathway is no exception.

Defining core values, ethics, and objectives that guide your martial art. Whether it's self-defense, personal growth, spiritual development, or a unique amalgamation of these, the philosophy becomes the compass that shapes the techniques, training methods, and overall approach.

The process of creating a personal pathway goes beyond just physical training. It is a transformative journey that challenges practitioners to delve deep into their own psyche, confront their limitations, and push the boundaries of their abilities.

‘Shu Ha Ri’ (守破離) is a concept that describes the stages of learning and mastery that individuals go through as they develop their skills and knowledge in a particular discipline.

It acknowledges the importance of learning and respecting the fundamentals, progressively breaking away from strict adherence to explore and innovate, and eventually reaching a stage of transcendence and individual expression. It emphasizes the balance between tradition and innovation, providing a framework for personal growth, skill development, and mastery.

To do your ‘own’ karate, to follow your own path, means that you have internalized what you have learned, and in that sense it’s a part of you; you have made it your own. This does not necessarily mean that you are doing a different ‘style’ to your teacher(s).

Therefore, understand the learning journey, and create. Stand on the shoulders of those who came before you….. if only to view your own unique path.


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